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Sturdy shoes are essential

More on the subject of home and garden

Safe from wind and weather: How to make your house fit for autumn and winter High-quality products: Demands for a longer guarantee Efficient spring cleaning: Five tips for spring cleaning

Renew the lawn and treat it with starter fertilizer

Renewing the lawn is always associated with a good deal of work – even if you only treat a manageable area. Accordingly, take some time for the task. First of all, it is important to mow the old lawn as deep as possible. Then remove the clippings thoroughly.

In the next step, the lawn is scarified and any thatch is removed. Now you need to treat and revitalize the affected area with a special starter fertilizer. Make sure that the agent is distributed as evenly as possible. (How to Get Rid of Fungi in Your Lawn)

Lawn Care: How to Water, Manure, and More Your Lawn

Photo series with 5 pictures

Continuous humidification is particularly important

Then cover the entire area with a thin layer of peat. Use the garden hose to irrigate the ground. From now on it has to be kept moist for about one to two weeks. This step is very important: never allow the peat to dry out. After about four weeks you can then spread special fertilizer on the lawn.

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Now it doesn’t take long until the first blades of grass appear. When a height of around 8 centimeters has been reached, mow the lawn to around four centimeters. After that, it is sufficient to mow the area once a week. If you follow these instructions carefully, you will be able to completely renew your lawn in about six weeks, without any digging. (Lawn care in autumn: what matters)

Gardeners suffer when their laboriously tended plants wither or the lawn does not thrive. There are many lawn diseases. Diseases keep spreading, especially in summer when it’s very hot outside. For this reason, you should focus and dedicate yourself to maintaining your lawn. A healthy lawn is the flagship of every garden.

Home remedies help: Ants dig under the lawn Lush green without weeds: These mistakes damage the lawn sustainably. Scarifying or weed killer ?: What helps against white clover and the like A beautiful lawn For a lush green: The best tips against lichen and moss Repairing damage: Seven steps to a lush green lawn What you need to know: Scarifying – these mistakes damage the lawn Five ways to the perfect lawn edge Mowing, scarifying, fertilizing: Get Your Lawn Fit in Spring Ideas for lawn, lawn care and different types of lawn

Know lawn diseases and adapt lawn care

Whenever a lawn disease is mentioned, the green of the lawn is not always meant. There are different incidents that can damage a lawn and require specific lawn care. Have you heard of the snow mold disease? It is an infestation of the stems and the stem roots. This disease usually occurs between the months of October through March. The suffering stems are under the blanket of snow. The same parts of the lawn are also infested with dollar blotch. However, these become sickly in the summer months. This disease is favored by very humid weather or by overwatering.

Recognize and combat lawn diseases

If you want to prevent or treat conspicuous diseases, you must first identify the diseases. A trip to the garden center would be useful so that professional help can serve as support. You should try to avoid the chemical club. Typically, most lawn diseases are caused by overwatering or the weather. Try to water the lawn less to prevent further diseases. If you can no longer save your lawn, you should consider sowing a new lawn. For this you should choose spring. Proper soil preparation is also important.https://123helpme.me/community-service-essay/ First, remove any weeds on the area. After that, you should loosen the soil and sow the grass seeds.

When you mow your lawn, you must not forget your own safety: you should be particularly careful with devices that are older than you are.

More on the subject of home and garden

Safe from wind and weather: How to make your house fit for autumn and winter High-quality products: Demands for a longer guarantee Efficient spring cleaning: Five tips for spring cleaning

Sturdy shoes are essential

For the casual gardener, mowing the lawn is a chore. For passionate people with the “green thumb”, on the other hand, it is a blessing and an important job for the beautification of the local greenery. Despite increasingly modern equipment, accidents while mowing the lawn are still on the agenda. To prevent this, you should first of all simply familiarize yourself with the safety instructions in the operating instructions.

Before you mow the lawn, put on sturdy shoes and inform the other family members that the garden will be a work area for the coming hours – think of any pets in this context.

Safety glasses and ear protection recommended

Even if it may look silly, you will never go wrong with safety glasses. People who are sensitive to noise can also provide ear protection. Both are available in inexpensive “kits” in hardware stores. In the meantime, your clothes should not be too loose and not too thin: Ideally, put on long trousers, as dirt particles are thrown up from the soil in places. Before you mow the lawn, you should clear the area of ​​stones, toys, rough branches and other objects so as not to impair the function of the device.

If your garden is on a slope, work your way across the slope. This will prevent the lawnmower from rolling down the slope. With electrical devices, you must avoid running over the cable as much as possible: In extreme cases, there is a risk of a short circuit, even if modern models have long been equipped with an automatic switch-off. If you did get the cable, do not mend it yourself. On the other hand, if you use a gasoline mower, you must use a suitable filler neck. It goes without saying that smoking is taboo while mowing the lawn.

Heimat.de: Avoid accidents while mowing the lawn

Even if the lawn usually looks relatively harmless, it can spread quickly without a fixed boundary. It is important to take appropriate action here.

More on the subject of home and garden

Safe from wind and weather: How to make your house fit for autumn and winter High-quality products: Demands for a longer guarantee Efficient spring cleaning: Five tips for spring cleaning

Different lawn edges

Beautiful lawn edges are particularly dependent on suitable material. In order for the lawn boundary to work permanently, you must repeat the maintenance process regularly. The English lawn edge is one of the suitable options for a lawn boundary. This ensures a seamless transition between the bed and the lawn. The biggest advantage is the beautiful sight, as a uniform overall picture is created. The biggest problem is the intensive care – as is well known, nobody has to waste time. In order for the lawn edges to earn their name, they usually have to be trimmed every four to six weeks. High quality material is helpful for this. If your lawn edger is no longer sharp, the work becomes a torture.

The right material for turf demarcation

The paved version is an alternative to the English method. Stones create a separation between the meadow and the bed. For fans of the English method, the look is extremely disturbed. In this case, however, maintenance is associated with significantly less time. Select suitable stones for your garden in the hardware store. Subsequently, the garden image looks like a unit despite its limitations. A small piece of the green has to be removed for subsequent paving. In order not to take away too much lawn, you should measure the stones beforehand – this will not create a gap afterwards.

These lawn edging will help you

To limit the growth of the green space, edges made of plastic or rubber can be attached. This version is particularly inexpensive and still offers good protection. The disadvantage here is the complex installation, since a suitable slot has to be excavated. No limitation of the lawn area can be done permanently without your help. Only the support of regular pruning can protect the flowerbed effectively.

A small area of ​​lawn needs to be mowed as often as a larger area. It always depends on the device that has to mow the lawn. A lawnmower with a powerful engine is not worthwhile for very small areas. A hand lawn mower without a motor would be easier to clear the small area from the long blades of grass. In the following you will find some tips on how you can easily mow the lawn in the future.

Home remedies help: Ants dig under the lawn Lush green without weeds: These mistakes damage the lawn sustainably. Scarifying or weed killer ?: What helps against white clover and the like A beautiful lawn For a lush green: The best tips against lichen and moss Repairing damage: Seven steps to a lush green lawn What you need to know: Scarifying – these mistakes damage the lawn Five ways to the perfect lawn edge Mowing, scarifying, fertilizing: Get Your Lawn Fit in Spring Ideas for lawn, lawn care and different types of lawn

Mow small lawns with a hand-held lawn mower without a motor

A hand-held lawn mower is very handy. Not only do you get to small corners, but you can also control exactly where and how you cut. In addition, you save electricity with a hand mower and protect the environment. The neighbors are sure not to complain as you mow without making any noise. Such a quiet device is particularly suitable at lunchtime as well as on Sundays and public holidays. They don’t pollute the air and at the same time they are good for your fitness. The time factor is also reduced.

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Mow a small area of ​​lawn

A hand lawn mower without a motor must be set to the correct height before starting work. The cutting height is very important so that you don’t cut the lawn too short. As a rule, a hand lawn mower does not have a grass catcher. This means that after mowing you have to sweep up the cut blades of grass. However, if you leave the cut stalks lying around, if the soil is wet, fungi may grow and moss may form. If you have taken these factors into account, you can now slowly start cutting. If you have made a passage, you can now walk across the lawn again and cut the corners. Again, you’ll usually get off well here. Finally, clean the lawn and cut over the green area again if you have forgotten about it.

The lawn is not only a very important factor in your own garden, it is the heart of the whole area. When autumn begins, you should think about lawn care. Very few people know that the lawn has to be made winter-proof. As a rule, not many people turn to this topic. However, it is very important to know what kind of requirements the lawn has with regard to wintering.

Home remedies help: Ants dig under the lawn Lush green without weeds: These mistakes damage the lawn sustainably. Scarifying or weed killer ?: What helps against white clover and the like A beautiful lawn For a lush green: The best tips against lichen and moss Repairing damage: Seven steps to a lush green lawn What you need to know: Scarifying – these mistakes damage the lawn Five ways to the perfect lawn edge Mowing, scarifying, fertilizing: Get Your Lawn Fit in Spring Ideas for lawn, lawn care and different types of lawn

Winterize the lawn with the right preparations

So that the lawn comes into the autumn well and is not neglected or stunted in winter, you have to deal with lawn care early on. With the right tips, you will find your garden and lawn in a very beautiful state again when you step on the lawn in spring. As early as late summer, the plants stop growing or reduce it very much. In the month of October, it’s time to take out the lawnmower for the last time and mow the lawn. You shouldn’t wait too long to mow. It can happen again and again in autumn that it becomes very uncomfortable and starts to rain. After mowing, you should gather the grass. Unless the lawnmower has already collected the blades of grass in its collection container. If you did not collect the severed blades of grass, the lawn would suffer greatly from the snow cover in winter. In addition to the grass, you should also remove leaves from the green area. Otherwise it can cause damage under snow and ice.

Winterize lawns and provide shelter for animals

If you have gathered leaves and foliage together, you can also form a small pile from the leaves and thus offer a possible shelter for animals. Some animals are still looking for a possible hibernation place shortly before the onset of winter.

Mulch mowing describes the simultaneous process of mowing the lawn and mulching. The aim here is to provide the lawn with important nutrients immediately after it has been cut. Artificial fertilizers are not required with this method.

More on the subject of home and garden

Safe from wind and weather: How to make your house fit for autumn and winter High-quality products: Demands for a longer guarantee Efficient spring cleaning: Five tips for spring cleaning

Mulch mowing: when does it work best?

The condition of the lawn is crucial for success when mulching.