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Mistakes may be painted out with asphaltum, so that the job becomes easy. This furnishes a rough surface on the etched portions, which enables the filling to stick much better than if it were smooth. In tracing the circles a pair of heavy, stiff, carpenters’ compasses will serve where the watchmaker has not a lathe large enough to swing the dial. It should be done before the holes are bored for the minute and seconds centers, as you then have an exact center to mark from and can go back to it many times. The characters on clock dials are still very largely Roman, the numerals being known as chapters.

This is easy if you are careful to keep the varnish thin and do not go over the varnish a second time after spreading it on. Thin with turpentine and put very little on the case; it is already smooth and a mere film will give the gloss. For white filling on the engraving on black cases use Chinese white or get a good white enamel at a paint store.

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The average watchmaker as a mechanic has the ability to do the work properly, but he does not fully understand or realize what is necessary, nor appreciate the fact that little things not attended to will render useless all his efforts. This is what makes the temperature error spoken of in the preceding chapter so vexatious where close timing is desired and why as a rule, a well compensated pendulum costs more than the rest of the clock. The sole reason for the business existence of watch and clockmakers lies in the necessity of measuring time, and the accuracy with which it may be done decides in large measure the value of any watchmaker in his community. The continuous decrease in the prices of watches and the consequent rapid increase in their use has caused the neglect of the pendulum timekeepers to such an extent that good clock men are very scarce, while botches are universal. Some astronomical clocks show mean solar, and others sidereal time; this requires no structural alteration, merely a little shortening of the pendulum in the latter case, which can be done with the regulating nut.

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This cock should be made about the same thickness as the frames, and about half an inch broad. Make the pattern out of a piece of hard wood, either in one solid piece or by fastening a number of pieces together. The pattern should be made a little heavier than the cock is required to be when finished, and it should also be made slightly bevelled to allow it to be easily drawn from the sand when preparing the mould for casting. After it is cast the brass should be hammered carefully, and then filed square, flat, and smooth. hour wheel axis can always be left thick and strong enough should the design of the case require the dial feet to be extra long.

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After a time the rate would settle and become steady, but it only causes an extra period of regulating that does not occur when the clamps hold the spring immovable at this point. About in the center of each of the clamps, when soldered and riveted, is to be a hole bored for a pin, which pins the clamp into the bracket and holds the weight of the pendulum. —Suspensions are of four kinds Download Beauty Drawing Pages Make Up APK for Android, cord, wire loop, knife edges and springs.