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Status: 11.06.2020 11:39 a.m..

SPD boss Esken had diagnosed “latent racism among the police” – and thus triggered a heated debate. Individual cases or more – the federal government now wants to investigate.

The federal government wants to have possible racist tendencies in the police scientifically investigated. The Federal Ministries of the Interior and Justice are “currently in the conceptual development for a study on ‘Racial Profiling’ in the police”, said a spokesman for the Interior Ministry of the “Welt”. The study design has not yet been determined.

The term “racial profiling” describes the fact that people are controlled by the police solely on the basis of external characteristics such as skin color. The Basic Law prohibits this. At every police check, there must be a specific suspicion, but there may be preventive checks to avert danger.

In addition, the federal states regulate this differently in detail.

“Do not prejudge police officers”

Greens call for “reliable numbers”

The Greens are calling for a scientific investigation into possible racism in the police. The party’s interior expert, Irene Mihalic, called for a differentiated view and reliable figures in the debate. It must be clarified whether racism occurs in individual cases or whether there are structural causes, she said in the ARD morning magazine.

The member of the Bundestag is herself a police officer in North Rhine-Westphalia. She joined the police in 1993 – long before her political career.

Mihalic also called for the creation of the office of a police officer who should act as a contact for citizens, but also for police officers. She is convinced that such an office could help improve the error culture in the police.

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Cooperation between the SPD and the Greens?

The debate about racism in the German police had started after the killing of George Floyd in the USA and picked up speed after statements by SPD leader Saskia Esken.

Esken had lamented “latent racism in the ranks of the security forces”, but at the same time stressed that the vast majority of police officers were very critical of such tendencies and suffered from the potential loss of confidence. She embedded this assessment in her call for an independent complaints office. This independent body has to deal with complaints about police officers so that the impression is not created that “the spirit of the police force plays a greater role than the rights of citizens”.

Mihalic is now hoping for the support of the Social Democrats for an independent federal police commissioner. “Now the SPD is asked to implement what was publicly demanded by its chairman,” she told the dpa news agency.